Wednesday, January 30

Gone a Visitin'

The kiddos got to visit with Aunt Gale today over at Net Net's house for just a little bit while she was in town. Got pictures of Alaina Claire and Will with her. Then they even got to go over to Papa and Yaya's tonight. Will found Papa's cowboy boots---hilarious!! They are spoiled with so many people who love and adore them. We are very blessed. Jake is just incognito today....he isn't in any of them except the back of him in this first one. Oh well...c'est la vie! For that matter Yaya....where are you????

Will in Papa's boots

Papa and Alaina Claire having a serious conversation

Attempted picture by Daddy to catch Alaina Claire in her pretty outfit---she wasn't happy about it obviously.

Tuesday, January 29


This is a picture I captured this morning of my little man. This is the first time he has been decent enough in one of "these" times that I could actually take a picture. There is nothing to see here I swear. So anyway, this is Will's fascination and has been for the past several months much to my dismay. I'll walk in the room at any given time after having been gone sometimes only 30 seconds to Will--pants off diaper off and just grinning ear to ear and most of the time laughing AT us---sometimes he will have a little drizzle on the carpet and sometimes not just depends on the time. The boy loves to take off his clothes--I'm sure this isn't uncommon at this age and yes I have taken the opportunity to do the whole "potty" thing and it is still a work in progress at this point. He thinks that this is absolutely hilarious---he knows exactly what he is doing--never fails he waits until Mommy is into something else completely {ie folding clothes and sitting right in the middle of them on the couch OR nursing baby sister OR in the kitchen fixing a meal OR on the phone} Any of these have been known to be triggers for Mr Streak. Mommy isn't as clueless as she looks though little man---in case you haven't noticed she has dubbed you some "only at home jeans" AKA jeans he can't get off even though he tries his hardest. I mean seriously when we get home from somewhere the oah jeans go on immediately--it has just become a fact of life.

As you can see in this picture he has mixed his love of ANYBODY's shoes but his own {no his feet aren't that big those are Jake's} with his 'naked phase'---just be glad he doesn't have a hat and a jacket on with all of that. Dress up is the name of his game right now--he is definitely ALL BOY and keeps us on our toes and entertained at all times. Could be worse....

Monday, January 28

Outside in the Cold

My kids are going stir crazy with all the cold weather and not being able to get outside and run around. Today they SAID it was going to be in the 50's. What I failed to pay attention to was that at 10:30 am it will still be freakin FREEZING cold. What do you do when you've promised they could go out and it is so cold your nose is bright red?? Ya let 'em play. So that is what we did this morning. They had a big time playing outside in the sand box and with the sidewalk chalk and their car. They were fascinated because there was water still ice in places outside and they thought it was hilarious that there was ice outside---like that is supposed to be in our freezer mom! HAHA I'll share a few pictures of the event. Will wanted to make SURE his ears didn't get cold as you can see and he decided sidewalk chalk looked much cooler on the front of his coat. Baby girl started out outside all bundled up until Mommy realized it was -24 degrees {not really it was only like 35} outside and she stayed the rest of the time just inside the door snoozing.

Friday, January 25

Net Net Fun Stuff

When Net Net comes over she always finds something for the kids to do that they haven't done in awhile. She is good with that. When they are bored--we see what Net Net is doing. She always has good/different ideas. Today it was simple--Legos. They built towers and houses and even a man that Jake was super proud of!! The challenge was keeping Will from knocking it over, of course. That's a little brother for ya.

Thursday, January 24

It makes my day when....

I receive GREAT customer service. You know I have been in the customer service/retail or something to do with people business since I started working. So I know how hard it can be to put aside your personal life {you know fight with hubby or bad date or broken water heater} sometimes and smile and treat your customer just like they are the only one that matters. It is tough but that is the business you are in if you are dealing with the public. I love it. It is my forte--I'm all about talking to people and if I wasn't around people I would go nuts. {hence why I am half way there right now because I don't get out enough anymore--too many kids--SLAH helps when I do get to have parties} Anyway, to my point----I dropped the boys off this morning and was on my way back home and McDonald's is on the way so I decide to stop and grab breakfast as I do sometimes. I go to this McD alot and they are ALWAYS awesome and treat me like they are my best friend. I LOVE it! I mean they even have your drink hanging out the window for you to take before you get up to the food window and then your bag is ALWAYS immediately to follow. They are just so friendly and nice. SO this morning it actually wasn't the same morning crew but still didn't matter they were just Super Nice. It stands out these days because so many people feel a sense of entitlement and that even though they chose that job they still don't have to be nice to you---even though with your money you help keep that business going in turn paying their paycheck---but some people just don't get it these days.

SO I say all that to say--I'm so proud of my little McD that I frequent and I wanted to give them a "shout out!" and tell them to keep doing what they are doing because they always make my day look a little brighter. The guy at the window this morning was even so confident that his nametag said Dominic "The Great". I love it!! LOL Gotta be confident in yourself no matter what you are doing and it will rub off on others.

I am off now to go to Mc D corporate site to let them know how much I appreciate this particular store too. That is the only way anyone will ever know they are doing a good job is if you tell them. I challenge all of you to tell the person waiting on you or helping you find clothes or changing your oil or whatever it is--if they are doing a good job--tell them. It will make you and them both have a better day!


Wednesday, January 23

I Lo Lu

Yep strange title I know, but the sweetest words you can hear from your kids. I've tried to get Will to say I Love You forever now. The kid says about a million other things now (some we understand and some we don't) but would never say that. He knows we want to hear it so he doesn't say it I'm convinced--his brother did the same thing. So last night James was getting ready to put the boys to bed and they always come tell their sister and me goodnight and give us a hug and sugars. I told Will our standard bedtime goodnights and then said I Love You and just as nonchalantly as ever as he was getting down off the couch he said "I Lo Lu"!!! How sweet is that. I did a double take and said 'what did you say?' He just turned around and gave me one if his big ol' dimple wearing cheesy grins and I knew. Whether he knows it or not right now with Alaina Claire in the mix he and his brother are still my precious babies too no matter how big they get!

Monday, January 21

What's she up to?

Little miss is already growing so much every day. It is amazing the first few months how far they come. She loves to hold her head up and is getting pretty good at it. She seems to be enjoying her playmat more and more too if I can keep leech#1 and leech#2 off of it long enough for her to enjoy it without being smothered. =) oh the joy--note the little face right behind hers on the one where she is holding her head up and it proves my point.

Checking out her chicken, cow and pig that hang from her playmat, very intently I might add

look there is some curl to her hair when it is wet

Our "baby" boys

They literally have 8 million toys to play with and all they want to do is get in/jump on top of/destroy all of the baby toys......why? why? why?

Sunday, January 20

Recent Visitors

We have had a couple visitors recently and I thought I would post some pictures. Lea Ann and Travis have been to the house a couple of times since Alaina Claire was born. The boys just absolutely LOVE to play with Travis. They also brought supper both times--God bless them! In these pictures look how big Jake looks with Lea Ann holding him. He is getting so long. Will {in his batman jacket Yaya and Papa gave him} was watching TV with Travis and being goofy.

Then my friend Amy (and old college roommate) came over on Saturday. The boys haven't seen her in awhile. Will cuddlebug as he is just loved having her there because she would hold him AND the baby if he wanted. Jake just wanted to go home with her. Guess he was tired of us. Sorry maybe next time buddy.

Saturday, January 19

What a way to wake up!!

It's a good post not bad. So I'll start by telling you the night before. Friday night (last night) Alaina Claire got done eating around 11pm for the last time for the night and I laid her in her bed. I piddled around and got to bed around midnight. Next thing I know I'm waking up to her starting to whimper and I look over at the clock and it is 6AM!!!!! Did you see what I just said 6AM!! {now that is all I am going to say about that so as to not jinx myself--I'm not a fool!} I thought the clock was wrong but James wasn't in the bed so I get up to go see and he had even gotten up with the boys so I wouldn't have to. (he does this regularly on the weekends--point this time is that I didn't even hear them get up!)

So she wakes up and I feed her and I stay in there and sleep a little while longer. As I am getting up because she is ready to get up at this point. Lo and behold here comes my husband with breakfast in bed for ME!!! I honestly think this is the first time anyone has ever given me breakfast in bed. I didn't know what to say! What a wonderful way to start the day and the weekend for that matter. I think I was so speechless I didn't really say a proper thank you. So THANK YOU Honey!!! It was so thoughtful and just what I needed. Love ya!

Friday, January 18

King of the World

Or so he thinks..... This picture taken just before he got in trouble for climbing up and standing on the bookshelf. He likes to get up there and aggravate his brother by taking down the pictures we hang up there that the kids have done. Note the one shoe on and one shoe off AND the look on his face. Crazy kid!

Thursday, January 17

I wanna be like Daddy

Both the boys love to dress up in Daddy's work stuff. The fave is his Metalpha visor. These pictures of Will are recent but I went back in the archives circa 2005 for when Jake was just 6 months old wearing the SAME thing below. (mind you probably a different one by now--but the same nonetheless)

Check them out---Daddy's Metalpha boys! That is where James works for those who don't know. Will also loves to put Daddy's crocs on---anything of Daddy's ROCKS according to the boys. How cute!
Jake at 6 months old
MAN! Check out the hair. lol Hopefully AC's will grow that fast. =)

Wednesday, January 16

Done updating....

I have finally gotten the last of our 2007 posts and some for this year put on the blog. Now I will be able to update in real time as things happen. At least that is my goal as always. Wish me luck on that one. Anyway, be sure to scroll down back to Christmas to see all the updated posts. I'll try to do better. haha

Alaina Claire sweet pictures

Alaina Claire's newborn proofs are done. Check them out and let us know what you think. In my opinion they are awesome and she is absolutely precious. I think they are only going to be up for a couple more days so if you want a peek be sure to go look. Let me know.....

***UPDATE--this Gallery is closed now--sorry--if you missed them I will have the ones we ordered soon so you can see***

Go to Courtney Marler Photography
you can click on it above or copy and paste this site into your browser then click enter website

Click on the Clients section at the top
Password is the baby's initials (all 3 of them)
If you have issues with that--email me or leave a comment

Like I said before Courtney did such an awesome job. Check her out for your maternity and newborn needs!! =)

Monday, January 14

1 month old

So tired Mommy, another picture??!

Our sweet baby girl is ALREADY 1 month old. That is so hard to believe. I hate thinking that we will turn around twice and she will be Jake's age. They grow so fast. When someone told me that before Jake was born I didn't put much stock in it---it's SO true! In one short month we can already see changes in you as you are much more aware of your surroundings, you love to just stare at your big brothers and you are sleeping more at night!! =)

SO happy one month old beautiful girl!! You are so loved and Mommy and Daddy can't wait to watch you grow. You are our little princess {with the pants to prove it!}.

Tuesday, January 8

Have you held our baby girl?

Those of you who have been around for all 3 kids know that we are obsessed with taking your picture the first time you meet our baby. So here are I think most of the pictures we have so far. Everyone always wants to see them so perfect chance unless they have been posted on the blog already somewhere. This pictures of people holding her and if we missed someone sorry. There are a few I have thought of that we don't have pictures of Aunt Shelia, Aunt Lesa and my cousin Leigh Ann--sorry catch ya next time! Just thought if they are of you then you might like to see them. Don't mind the way the pictures are--there are alot of them.

Lori & Johnny


Net Net

Papa & Yaya


Travis & Lea Ann


Aunt Phyllis


(April's mom)



Aunt Gale


Lyndi, Steve, Amy & Becca

Sunday, January 6

Visit from Uncle Dave and Aunt Liz

Uncle Dave and Aunt Liz drove up today and met us at Papa and Yaya's house. They came up to see Alaina Claire for the first time and boy did they have fun!! It's always a riot to sit around the house with my kids because you never know what you are gonna get and today was no exception. Jake of course took to watching movies at Yaya's because that is his fav thing to do there. Will on the other hand took to Uncle Dave {he does every time he sees him}. He wanted him to hold him the whole time and even fell asleep in his lap, Uncle Dave laid him down and then later went back in there and fell asleep with him too. While everyone was playing at one point we even heard help yells from the bedroom. {I say we but really just Liz heard it--guess James and I are used to the screams--haha}Liz went in there and Will had Dave in a head lock. Oh what fun! and yes you heard me WILL had DAVE in a headlock. HAHAHA The boys had the best time ever and we are so glad Alaina Claire got to meet her Aunt and Uncle.

Oh and sidenote---Dave and Liz are getting married in St Lucia in March--yay--we are so excited for them!!