First off I have tried to update from last month. So I think I am done with July now if you want to browse back through to check it out. There will be more from first part of this month to come...AND eventually the 3 months that I left out in the Spring will get updated too. :O
On to the Random Facts---I have been TAGGED by Lauren to share 6 random facts about myself so here goes:
1) My fav-o-rite food in the world??? FRIED SQUASH
2) When I was 15 I took my grandparents car {along with a friend} on a joyride in town and then to another town and got too cocky thinking I knew how to drive so well and ended up in "other town's" police station.....the parents AND grandparents were none to happy and I was in big T.R.O.U.B.L.E!!!
3) I always wanted to be in the Military but I'm a scaredy cat!
4) My guilty pleasure? General Hospital....I love me some Jason Morgan!
5) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups + DrPepper = LOVE
6) I used to be Michael Jackson's #1 Fan! Thriller! Thriller night...I sing as I wear my white glove and do the moonwalk in my zipper jacket.....hee hee
I TAG Holly, Andrea, Lea Ann, Amy, Stefanie, Lyndi
The rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.
Friday, August 22
Random Facts
Labels: tag
Wednesday, August 20
PreK Update and the Streaker
Well so far we've made it. I have successfully gotten 3 kids up, fed breakfast, dressed and out the door by 7:30 to get Jake to school. Will's school {Mother's Day Out} hasn't started yet but he sure doesn't understand that. EVERY morning he wants to go to his school. Pick up wasn't that bad once I figured the whole thing out. The big deal is everyone else can wait for their kids to come to them but PreK parents have to get out and go get their kids so you have to do all of that within this time limit of the group of cars you came into the parking lot with. It really is VERY orderly CHAOS!! But that's just the way it is!
Jake did well Monday morning but yesterday morning and this morning he has decided to cry both times. They said yesterday he did just fine right after I left and had an "Excellent" day as his homebook says. SO let's hope the same for today and that we get over the whole crying thing as fast as it started. He does keep asking me " MOOOOM, do I have school AGAIN today?" He just isn't used to the every day ordeal--he is used to Tue/Thurs and having a break in between. Precisely one of the reasons he is in PreK right now.
The Streaker
So......back to yesterday......I pick him up and Ms D says he did great right after I left. She said but I have to tell you this and she starts busting out laughing. I'm thinking great what did my kid do???? Weeeellllll.........they have a boys bathroom and girls bathroom in their room and when they have bathroom break they send one boy and one girl at a time. Ms D said things were going well and Jake had gone to potty as did {let's call her} Sally.
Next thing she knows here is Jake standing in the doorway, stark NAKED, leaning to one side with one hand up bracing himself saying "Teacher, Teacher.....I need some help over here! Ms D looked around and thought whoa! then said "Ok Jacob go back to the bathroom and I'll be in there in a minute" {stifle laughter} You must know that during this Sally had come out of the bathroom apparently to witness Jake's unsightly deed and cry for help. {keep that in mind}
SO Ms D goes to help Jacob and figure out what happened---when she walked into the bathroom all she saw was his little behind. He was bent over toward the toilet and was making all kinds of faces in the HANDLE {you know it was silver and partially flat so he could see himself} Hilarious!! So she was {stifling laughter yet again}. She then helped him get dressed again and all the while having a conversation about why we keep ALL of our clothes on when we go potty. {Oh good grief---the first week of school no doubt!!}
They get done and are coming out of the bathroom when lo and behold what does Ms D see......{remember Sally??} OH YEAH.....hanging on the bar across the big paned window to the hallway of the inside of the school was little ole Sally naked as a jay bird. She was just singing away and looked at Ms D and said "Boy is this Fun! She saw Jake do it and thought hmmmm let me go back in here and try that out too. hahahahaha Oh great and MY Jacob started it!! What am I gonna do?!
So I am assuming Ms D and Sally had the same conversation that was just had by she and Jake 2 minutes prior. I am also sure that Ms D was ready to go home at this point that day. She did say that if anyone inside school happened to be walking by during THAT 5 minutes of the day...they probably wondered WHAT IN THE WORLD are they doing in PreK?!
Labels: funnies, Jake school
Sunday, August 17
I can't help it!
I have to give you guys a sneak peak of our photo shoot with Krista from last Tuesday. She posted these pics on her blog because she knew I was dying to see!! Aren't they just the cutest kids ever?!! I know....hahaha! Thanks Abbey for coming to help! And Krista as always....awesome job!!
Labels: say cheese
Friday, August 15
Jacob's Very First Day of PreK
Jacob is going to PreK this year. We feel like he needs a 5 day a week program to get him ready for the real deal come next year so Enter........ PREK!!! He is so excited. We visited his "new big school" in the Spring and he didn't want to leave and every time we drive by ALLLLLL summer long he has been asking when he gets to go. Well, Son......Today is THE DAY! Your first day of PreK, it is only a half day but First Day nonetheless.
{ignore Milo sleeping underneath the van}
Picked him up and the teachers said he did great. I asked him what he did today and he said "I can't tell you I'll tell you when we get to McD after I get chicken nuggets and french fries." That's one smooth talker right there. Oh well guess not much can change in 3hrs. HEE HEE Our little boy is growing up..... {yes I took the bait it was Mickey D's for was his first day of school!}
Labels: Jake school
Tuesday, August 12
Swimming with Aunt Abbey
This morning we went to have the boys yearly pictures taken with Krista and I thought I was gonna be SOL on helpers but YAY for Aunt Abbey who didn't really have to come help {cuz she lives 40 minutes away now} BUT SHE DID!!! I definitely needed a helper with all the kids in one spot trying to take pictures....whoa! Thanks Abbey!
Monday, August 11
Making Play Dough
Net Net knows all the good tricks. When the boys wanted to play with play dough and none in the house. What does Net Net do......make some, of course! She was looking for the kool aid smelly recipe but couldn't find it so stay tuned for that one. This was just regular ole play dough and the boys chose RED for their color. Fun times at Net Net's spur of the moment any day of the week. =)
Sunday, August 10
Beautiful Day
We love you Alaina Claire and May God Richly Bless You Always!
Saturday, August 9
Dinner, Dogs and Lawnmowers
Spending time with the fam is always so much fun. Later in the night the next door neighbor and her daughter came over and brought sparklers so the kids had a big time with that too!!
Happy Birthday Amy, soon enough you can spend it with us again!!
Can't wait!
Happy Birthday Aunt Amy!
The Spence House
Friday, August 8
Biter Biscuits
I am pretty sure that I have been given all the Biter Biscuits in a 50 mile radius. Somehow all of my friends decided these things were too messy to fool with for their kids and they ALL decided to give me a box so I have a few laying around the house right now. Me on the other hand...ahh who cares....get messy....gotta do it sometime! She loves them and BOY??!!! are they messy and just icky and sticky and gooey. YUUUUUMMM doesn't that make you want to have one for your snack now..... me too!
It felt great outside today so we decided to have a picnic lunch albeit a fast food picnic lunch....but hey whatever works I say!! Jake is always wanting to have a picnic for every meal he would have a picnic. To him a picnic consists of eating anywhere but at the dining table for a must be having a picnic!
Thursday, August 7
Long Lost Cousins
Today we got to hang out and visit with our {mine and Stef's} cousin Jackie and her girls. They live in Nevada so we do good to get to see each other once a year at Christmas and sometimes not even that if it is the opposite year. SO maybe I should say once every 2 years. Wow...that sounds horrible. But C'est la Vie!
Don't think Will wasn't right in there with her!!
The plan was to go swimming at Jackie's other cousin's house. Of course we get there, unload everyone, get in the pool, slide down the slide a couple times {oh yes there was a slide and it was superfun!} and it isn't 10 minutes before it starts to lightning and rain. SO we spent alot of the time under the carport waiting it out which didn't work and then we gave in and decided to move the play date to Mickey D's and the playplace.
A good time was had by all and hopefully it won't be so long til our next playdate! Keeping our fingers crossed for Christmas this year. Everyone pray plane tickets get cheaper. HA!
Monday, August 4
Happy Birthday Gramps!
We celebrated it in true Gramps style and had breakfast for supper!! yum yum We love you Gramps!
---hope your birthday was happy!!