Wednesday, June 27
Tuesday, June 26
Made good on the CEC!
Can you say OUCH!
Monday, June 25
The wedding...
Wednesday, June 20
At the Park with Gramps....
Gramps comes up every week to have lunch. Today we decided to get lunch and take it to the park. Once we ate we played a bit and then walked around the pond to the ducks. Jake had a great time feeding the ducks with Gramps. As you can see, Will was mainly watching from his nice, comfy stroller--though he
threw a few pieces out, most ended up in his mouth. When Jake finally got tired he took a pretty cool ride back to the car. Thanks for a fun day at the park Gramps!
Tuesday, June 19
Sunday, June 17
Happy Father's Day
**Disclaimer--all photos taken with my cell phone--sorry for the quality--digital camera to come soon--I promise!
Hope everyone had a great father's day. We did at our house. The boys had a blast playing outside with daddy with our rigged sprinkler (aka the hosepipe) and in the little bitty fishing pool that the boys have. They all decided to get in it, Daddy included. Yes, a bigger pool is on the list but whatever works at the time is what we do!!
Friday, June 15
Thursday, June 14
Who would have thought?
This up above.....yes this is the culprit! Who would have thought an innocent cute little tux would have caused SO MUCH havoc! I guess it was me who went into this blindly thinking "my son is a good boy, he'll do fine, we're just trying on tuxes....for Travis" (that is important later).
Here is the story: Jake was asked to be the ring bearer in James' cousin Lea Ann and Travis' wedding--ok fine no big deal. =) Jake idolizes Travis (see picture below where they are intently chatting at his last birthday). He always wants to know where Travis is, can I play with Travis, when are we going to see Travis? Right, so we have been telling him you get to be in Lea Ann and Travis' wedding and you get to dress just like Travis!! Sounds like fun right? He thought so UNTIL yesterday when we got to the tux shop. The nice unknowing sales lady gave us a tux sent us to the dressing room we shut the door all while poor Lea Ann was outside the door taking care of Will (she and Travis will probably never have children now). I have never seen my child act so bad in my life. Screaming, crying, tears, snot, red faced, made himself hot, kicking--you name it--ALL while I was calmly (yes I was still calm albeit maybe a little threatening though nothing was working) trying to put this cute little suit on him. At that point he didn't even care if Travis had one just like it "I don't want to be like Travis!" and that is saying something.
In the end can we just say the Biggest Fit of His Life didn't end until I got the last article of clothing off of him. Thank God that one fit and we didn't have to go any further.
YEP--so Jake is going to be in a wedding....ummm....guess what I am trying to say is STAY TUNED to next weekend---which is the big day on Saturday to see if ALL the prepping in the world and probably promises of whatever we can think of that he LOVES to do will hopefully work and we can at least get him IN the tux--I'm not even worried about down the aisle at this point---just getting IN the tux. So we will see...
For Lea Ann and Travis---it will be fine--don't worry about Jake--we hope. Travis you might need to do some damage control before next Saturday though. =)
Monday, June 11
Daddy, what happens when you kick the ball really hard into the air?
It gets stuck in the very top of the highest tree in the yard, that's what happens son.
Fyi...after a million football throws at the the big green ball and the branches that held it yes the ball finally came down. BUT not without one of the mini National Guard footballs that saved it getting stuck in the tree too! It's status...still in the tree.