The Princess on her throne with her purse, baby, fav video in front of her and let's not forget the rain boots. We HAVE to have the rain boots on!!
Friday, July 17
Favorite Foto Friday
Saturday, June 27
She did it again.....
Krista, that is!! We had our yearly photo shoot with her and our pictures turned out awesome!! At least the sneak peeks I have seen on her BLOG. I cannot wait to see ALL of them because she never ceases to amaze! Be sure to click HERE if you haven't figured that out already to go to her blog and see our latest pics.
I have been having our family pic done when each of the kids is 18 months. The past 2 family pics I have been prego again and AGAIN hopefully with the next one we shoot I will be normal size. HA!! We also did this shoot to get AC 18 month, Will 3 yrs and Jacob 5yrs......MY how the time flies!
Don't forget to check Krista Lee Photography out!! She rocks!
Friday, June 19
Favorite Foto Friday-AC style
Bet YOU can't do that!!!
Crazy girl!

Monday, June 15
Trying something different....
Friday, May 29
Favorite Foto Friday
Not really sure......all I know is Ni Ni has convinced him to do the Chicken Little dance {from the movie} at his upcoming birthday party. This is what he was practicing....don't ask me which part and YES I will video it when said event happens. Hilarious!!!
Labels: FFF
Friday, May 22
Friday, February 13
Favorite Foto Friday
I SWEAR I am going to catch up the blog. I am here just busy with the kiddos. Not staying up til all hours of the night lately has REALLY cut my blogging time! Since these are the only posts I can seem to get up and not even every week, I thought I would try not to disappoint. More posts on what we've been doing to come.....
Labels: FFF, Jake school
Friday, January 30
Friday, January 2
Thursday, December 18
It's My Birthday and I'll Cry Party if I Want To!
December is Party Central here at The Spence House for Birthdays. We aren't done yet still another coming in a couple of days. {that doesn't include 2 uncles later in the month}
Anyway, I thought I would participate in my Happy Birthdaying too, why not?! So.....
Yes I had to search for a picture where I looked halfway decent
You know not in my pj's with no makeup
On another note we got our external hard drive fixed so I can now find all the pics of those things that I
Can you tell the strikethrough is my new
Wednesday, December 17
It's Papa's Birthday!!
Today is Papa's birthday. We went over there tonight to celebrate with him and have dinner {that he cooked on his birthday....I know what the?} It was yummy Steve Spence spaghetti though and noone can pass that up!! This is a pic we grabbed right before leaving. Everyone is in their jammies {well actually we came over in them} and Will has on a hat Papa gave him to wear.
The Spence House
Tuesday, December 16
Early Christmas at Mickey D's
So we always get together with our friends Lyndi and Steve and their girls, Amy and Becca, at Mickey D's. It's just the best place to meet with all of our kids and not worry about who is where and who is screaming for what because let's face it at the Playplace someone is ALWAYS it doesn't matter. Therefore all future Hopkins/Spence weeknight dinner meets are at Mickey D's. Nuf said. {don't worry we wash hands REAL good when we leave...swear}
Tonight we exchanged Christmas gifts and the kids had a big time playing together. The little ones even got in on the action--in fact Becca went all the way up to the top and slid down! I was impressed--she is only 18 months!! {Jake JUST now is going up there and playing and Will still won't--we have Playplace scaredy cats} Alaina Claire didn't make it that far but she did play in the tunnels a bit.
Sunday, December 14
Happy Birthday Little Miss!!
One year's so hard to believe....time really does fly when you are having fun and let me tell you a girl is SO much fun!! Bows, dresses, pink, tiaras, tea sets....the whole nine yards...too much fun!! We love you and are so proud of you. Can't wait to watch you grow......
Happy Birthday Alaina Claire!
Labels: AC
Wednesday, December 3
Want something for FREE??
KIM is giving away one of her single letter Classic Collection initial paintings over at the Nesting Place. Go check it out. All you have to do is leave a comment {on the Nesting Place} and you are entered to win. It ends Thursday at midnight.
Party Like a Rockstar!!!
She of course is more affectionately known around our house as YaYa
We all wanted to wish you the very best birthday ever!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear
YaYa/Mom/Deborah. Happy Birthday to you!!!

We Love You!
in love....
What more can you say about THESE FABULOUS pictures that Krista took today of Alaina Claire. I need not say anymore........except go check out Krista's website or or go straight to her BLOG HERE.
Tell me what you think........
Tuesday, December 2
We were appreciated...
This morning Jake's PreK class had a Parent Appreciation Breakfast right when we dropped him off. We all went, Mommy, Daddy, little brother and little sister. Jake was so proud. They had yummy finger foods, coffee, juice and milk. We were able to look around the room a bit and they had the MOST precious DVD running on repeat that had pictures of all of the children. It had the sweetest song playing behind it and Psalm 139 scrolling through. We are SO lucky both teachers in this class literally walk around with their cameras in their pockets. They take thousands of pictures of these kids. The ones they had on the DVD were all super cute close ups. AND lo and behold when we went to Jacob's seat in class there was a present there for us parents and in that present was his colorful hand, the picture from the DVD and a copy of the DVD itself. It was VERY sweet....
Then after the bell rang we got to see them do all of their first of the morning routine. Their prayers, picking special person of the day, checking the weather, setting their schedule and singing some songs. We left when they broke out into their small groups.
I always wish I could be a fly on the wall to see what goes on and how my kids act when I am not around. Do you do that too or am I the only one??
Thursday, November 6
a 10 month old, an airplane and suppertime...OH MY!
Well that about wraps up what the rest of my day entails. Oh my!! Just got done packing so that Alaina Claire and I can fly up to see my friend April to help her out with her nursery before her baby comes. Still have to go pick up the boys and then AS SOON AS I get back from getting them leave for the airport with AC. I haven't flown in forever and have yet to take one of my children on a plane so all these new rules about 3 oz of liquid and only 2 free bags or whatever---I have had to brush up on all of that.
Anyway, we will be departing right about the time that AC eats supper so here's hoping that what we eat before we leave the house for the airport and all the little snacks she gets on the plane will be enough. AND here's hoping that she doesn't decide that all the people on the plane need to hear her wonderful yet shrill scream she loves to do. AND here's hoping that she will be in a good mood in general since her nap schedule is ALL OFF today!! Woo hoo!! Yay me at least April's mom is traveling with me so I will have help. There will be two laps for her to roam around in instead of one for the hour and a half we will be on the plane.
I have LOTS O snacks---LOTS O toys---LOTS O books---and Motrin if I get desperate! =) {only kidding.......well not really}
Wish us luck! See ya when we get back and I promise to update with Halloween pics then. Have a great weekend!!
Wednesday, November 5
Tuesday, November 4
The Spence House is excited about what's to come! What an amazing and historic election we have just witnessed. Awesome story to be able to tell......