Actually, a little bit of everything! But I'm gonna give you the Reader's Digest version and I'll fill ya in later on what else needs to be explained.
As I mentioned last week, Jake got sick. WELL let me tell you!! Croup is no fun and yes that is what we have had. Thank goodness Will hasn't gotten it, but Jake is JUST NOW starting to feel better and he really isn't completely back to himself yet. So it has been a "I need mommy WEEK" (yeah I know like it isn't always but this is worse that usual). AND Daddy doesn't like it AT ALL when the kids are sick, he can't stand to see them that way, so we've had sick Jake, uptight and worn out Daddy (about the sickness) and worn out Mommy (just because) and of course Will is his happy go lucky self though don't get me wrong he has had to get in his ME time too. Anyway, Jake is getting better and hopefully will be well enough to go back to school on Tues. Uh hello I need my "day out"--that's why they call it that, right?!
My mom moving
So, have I told you my mom bought the house next door and is moving in?! No? Well she is! We're pretty psyched about it, especially the boys. The only thing is getting her moved up here! SO that is what we (myself and James and my mom) have been doing all month so far. Any chance we get we run down to get a load of boxes or furniture or whatever we can get. Anyway, this weekend is the big move and ALL of her stuff will be up here. YAY!! I know she is ready for it because she has been running ragged going between the places trying to pack and get this house ready. BUT we are excited and can't wait til she is up here for good!Here is Will sweeping out her old garage for her--he is a big helper!
My sweet uncle Ronnie
And last but definitely not least, my uncle Ronnie had to have emergency 4 bypass heart surgery Wednesday morning. This is my mom's brother in law (her sister Charlotte's husband)---for those keeping up. =) So our family is still reeling from the fact that happened. When I say sweet uncle he would really shoot me if he saw that which he probably will at some point SO it really is more like fun, hilarious--you know the "cool uncle". That is what he is but for these purposes since he is in the hospital still I'm calling him my sweet uncle!! So Ronnie has been in critical care until today and he FINALLY got to go into a regular room. They are still working out a few things after surgery but I know he is glad to be out of that POD in critical care and I KNOW my aunt Charlotte is glad he is out of there. Please pray for him to heal and get stronger each day. Hopefully he will be able to go home soon!! Love you Ronnie!
SO that's been our last week and hopefully it will slow down a bit after this week. I'm so excited for FALL and cool weather to be here. Bring it on!!
I bet you are all so worn out! I hope this week is a good one for you! Let me know if you guys need anything!
Brian had croup a couple of months ago and it is not fun at all. I hope everyone can relax a little more this week!
before I read the caption under Will's picture, I was really thinking, "Surely that is not her momma's house?!" I feel better to know that is her garage!!! hahaha
I can't wait to tell Ronnie you called him SWEET UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!! You are right, he would definately prefer COOL!
...but he is sweet, he can't help it!
by the way it is LORI!
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